Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rodeos, Festivals and Birthdays!

Here are some pics of what we've been up to for the last couple months! Coleman turned 1!! He's only got his two bottom teeth still (Mo had at least 4) but he's up and practically walking - taking up to 4-5 steps now! And he is getting into EVERYTHING. Much more so that Morgan did.

Here's Coleman's birthday cake. We didn't teach him how to blow like we did with Morgan - his birthday kind of snuck up on me.. :(

Loot!! See the picture of him standing all by himself? He's getting so big! *sniffle*

We figured fair is fair - since we had the petting zoo and pony for Morgan's first birthday we should do the same for Coleman. He wasn't too sure about riding that pony though - kept looking at me like, why did you put me on this thing??!

How big is Coleman? Sooooo big!

Some gratuitous cute pics of Morgan - she didn't want to do her face painting on her face so she got it on her arm. And riding yet another pony at the rodeo....

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