Morgan and Coleman's school pics....enjoy! Can you believe how big they're getting? I can't...
Monday, December 15, 2008
We finally went to take our requisite annual Santa photo. As you can probably tell, Coleman was none too happy about being handed off to the jolly ole fellow in the big red suit. I had to pretend to hold him while edging over to the side out of the frame of the photo. At least he wasn't actually screaming at the moment. It was the best we were gonna get. When Santa asked Mo what she wanted she said, in her usual high-speed kind of way, "A dolly at my home". I had to explain to Santa what that meant. Her and her dolls. How many dolls does a girl need anyway??
And in case you can't tell, Coleman got his first big-boy haircut. I'm not too happy about it. It makes him look like a big boy instead of my baby boy! She just kept cutting...and cutting...and cutting. I would look over at Michael - probably with a stricken look on my face - and he just kept saying "It's hair, it'll grow back!". It better - and it's gonna be a while before the next haircut!
So October was an eventful month! First we went to Disney World! Wow! We were there for about two and half days but really should have been there for the full week. Going back and forth for naps midday really ate into our time. I think if we go back we may need to wait until they don't take naps anymore. But we had a good time anyway. We also went to the Tampa Aquarium to visit Auntie Shannon and her 2 little ones! Here are some of the pics....
Riding the carousel with Sissy!
Coleman in the shell @ the Aquarium
Morgan and Austin in the shell @ the Aquarium
Coleman pointing to the fish
Fireworks @ Cinderella's Castle
We had dinner in Cinderella's Castle as special guests of Cinderella!
After greeting Cinderella in the Lobby we went upstairs and had a nice dinner with a show with the Fairy Godmother and two mice.
We also got to meet some of the characters!
Coleman wasn't too sure about the characters though - but at least he didn't start crying/screaming like the kid sitting behind us!
The first day we went to Animal Kingdom. Morgan got to be in a parade in the Festival of the Lion King and Miah got to stand up and make giraffe noises! Which is funny since she wore a giraffe print dress too.
And this is what they looked like after each exhausting day....
We stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge which was really cool and got to see these Animals right off our balcony! (Look at those horns!!)
This is how big Coleman is now...almost big enough to reach the bottom of Michael's truck door!
And here is their Halloween costume! Yes, I am getting good mileage out of that Cinderella dress and Coleman got Morgan's hand-me-down Tigger outfit - and it looked so cute!! that look back - between the trip and their Halloween costumes...I'd say Disney got a good chunk of my wallet this month!!!!!
So Mo is starting, after a year, to regress a little. I guess she's getting a little jealous of the attention her baby brother is getting even though we try to include her in everything. One of the ways she's regressing and demanding to be included in is nursing. I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it so I let her nurse a little, but only after I've already nursed Coleman.
A couple of nights ago, at bedtime, she was asking to be nursed, but Coleman was still nursing so I told her she had to wait. She starting whining so Michael asked her is she wanted to nurse on him. She turned to him, looked at his bare chest and adamantly shook her head "no!". Why not?
Wait for it....
"Because it has hair on it!"
LMAO! Ok I guess it might have been a "had to be there" moment - but we laughed a good five minutes over it.
In the mayhem of her birthday party, I failed to take any pictures of her cupcake tower which was beautifully done. Luckily when I wrote to the bakery to thank them and let them know that regretfully i did not have any pictures of their handiwork, they were kind enough to send me this pics.
Here are some pics from Mo's birthday weekend! We had the party after-hours at the children's museum - the kids had a BLAST! I was lucky if I could get 2 minutes to greet each guest as they came in - the kids would pause for as long is it took them to decide what direction they wanted to go and off they went! Unfortunately we didn't take pictures of the lovely cupcake tower that we had - it was Alice in Wonderland themed - but I'm lucky I got any pictures at all - pretty much all the pics were taken by thoughtful friends who grabbed my camera to make sure I had *some* pictures.
Morgan wearing her new princess nightgown - she insisted on wearing this to school Monday morning.
Thank you Auntie Heather, Auntie DJ and Sissy Danielle for coming all the way from LA, Sacramento and Florida to come visit me!
This is Morgan hugging....Morgan! Morgan is the daughter of one of my friends from high school.
Cupcake! Yum! We had chocolate chip, vanilla with raspberry, and lemon - they were tasty!
Morgan wearing her Cinderella dress - she wore this for 2 days straight (jncluding to the party) before I finally snuck it off to the laundry...thank you Auntie Heather!
Even Coleman got in on the action with more belated birthday gifts!
Morgan got lots of hugs throughout the night.
I can't believe it's been three years already! Where has the time gone??!!
Here are some pics of what we've been up to for the last couple months! Coleman turned 1!! He's only got his two bottom teeth still (Mo had at least 4) but he's up and practically walking - taking up to 4-5 steps now! And he is getting into EVERYTHING. Much more so that Morgan did.
Here's Coleman's birthday cake. We didn't teach him how to blow like we did with Morgan - his birthday kind of snuck up on me.. :(
Loot!! See the picture of him standing all by himself? He's getting so big! *sniffle*
We figured fair is fair - since we had the petting zoo and pony for Morgan's first birthday we should do the same for Coleman. He wasn't too sure about riding that pony though - kept looking at me like, why did you put me on this thing??!
How big is Coleman? Sooooo big!
Some gratuitous cute pics of Morgan - she didn't want to do her face painting on her face so she got it on her arm. And riding yet another pony at the rodeo....