Time flies when you procrastinate! The kids just keep getting bigger regardless. We just celebrated Coleman's and Morgan's birthdays. For Coleman we just brought cupcakes to his school and celebrated with his friends there. Ironically half of his class was out that day so they decided to combine his class and another class. Amazingly they ended up with the same number of kids and the same boy/girl ratio so my goodie bags worked out perfectly. Thank goodness for serendipity!
For Morgan she got lucky and got to celebrate her birthday over two weekends! Her actual birthday was over labor day weekend so I had decided not to throw a party since most everyone was likely to be out of town. Well lucky us got invited to a classmate's birthday party two weeks before her birthday, so of course Morgan started telling me what she was going to do at *her* birthday party.
So, duh, I had to plan a party.
So I threw one together for the weekend after her actual birthday. By then of course I had planned a nice little birthday weekend for her already in Santa Barbara. So she got to go on a nice little holiday for her birthday and then had a nice little bash the weekend after. Spoiled girl! Okay, maybe Santa Barbara was more for mom....but still...
Morgan with all her loot from the party!
Coleman pleased as punch that he got to help Mo open her loot from her party.
Party madness! We had 26 kids there plus parents
I'm glad someone was paying attention and gave the birthday girl some food - I was too busy running around and Michael was busy chasing Coleman around so neither one of us checked to see if Mo had food! :(

The party was at this fitness place for kids - Coleman and I are standing - barely - on this little skatboarding thing that actually mimicks the movement of a skateboard. It's on - that's why he looks like he's clinging on for dear life.
Mo socializing at her party. Sweet picture, no? See that girl with the cast on her arm? I think Morgan may have contributed to that. I heard that she broke her arm rollerskating in the house. Then Mo tells me she broke her arm when she picked her up at school and dropped her. So at the party I asked her mom - and she said that she's not sure if it was when she fell down in the house (her grandmother was watching her) or if it happened the following week when a "friend" dropped her at school. I just kinda gaped at her.
Morgan picked "rebounding" for her group activity at the center. In hindsight it was probably not the most appropriate activity for a younger group like this. Guess who was one of the kids who fell off the trampoline and had to get ice on her ankle. Nope, not Mo. Yes, the girl with the cast on her arm. Of course.
One of the interactive games they had. That big red dot is suppose to be a dodgeball and the kids are suppose to be avoiding it - of course if it hits you it explodes so for the younger kids, it was more fun to chase it down and stomp on it...
Mo on the same skateboarding contraption.
Yes its on - which is why she has such a goofy grin on her face
Big climbing wall - the kids got a kick out of this too
Uncle Jay came to visit the day after Mo's birthday!! Yay!
Coleman making a funny face
Coleman's mad face
On the way home on the day of her birthday we stopped by the ranch where we celebrated with a big 'ol cake with Baba. Nothing like a bunch of inebriated hunters singing Happy Birthday to your four year old.
Santa Barbara was nice. The resort was right across the street to the beach. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera but luckily Jim did. Danielle and Jim came with us - and we met Heather and the girls there. Just a few blocks from the resort was a cool playground.
And just a block from the playground was a cool carousel
Which Coleman did not want to ride on by himself so we rode one of the benches
Birthday morning gift opening. She was quite good about letting Coleman help (after a little coaxing). Yes she's wearing a tiara - otherwise known as the Birthday Crown
Lunch in Santa Barbara - Mo went a little crazy with a stamp
Rock -n- Roll! (No really, that's what she's saying....!)
The whole Santa Barbara gang at lunch
Coleman playing "red light, green light" - except he would stop regardless which one you called out. And he'd do this funny stance with his legs, arms and fingers spread out
Here are the kids at the party just before Mo's birthday that made me scramble to put together her own birthday party...

This was Coleman's first ride down the big kid slide by himself - he started going a little sideways but had so much fun I couldn't get him off it for a long time
The family pic at Coleman's birthday party at his school
Eating cupcake at his party
Wearing cupcake at his party
Gratuitous brother/sister shot where they're both smiling
Mo got a new training wheels bike! She's growing up...waaaah!
Coleman after he eats spaghetti
Spaghetti Zombie!! Waaahhhrrrggggg!
Coleman is going through a Cars (the Disney movie) phase. When I say phase I mean obsession. We probably play that movie at least twice every weekend if not more. For the uninitiated - those stickers he's plastering himself with are all characters from the movie. And if you ever stay with us for more than a few days, you will probably be able to recite the movie by heart by the time you leave.

Um...Mo on a kangeroo. What else can I say?
We went to a Pirate Fesitval this summer. It's kind of a smaller renaissance faire but with Pirates. So we had a bunch of people dress in costumes like Pirates....
And a mermaid. There were some other interesting (scary) costumes, but this is a rated G site....
And Morgan won her first medal for being a good shot with the Pistol Bow!Mo and Coleman went to a couple more birthday parties over the summer....

And finally a visit to the Children's Discovery Museum where they had a Curious George exhibit!

*Whew!* Hope that gave you some idea of what we've been up to! Love ya and Miss y'all!